Its been quite a while since the last post was updated on this blog. In all honesty,time and life took over the author and the enthusiasm and support for it began to dwindle. This, I hope has since changed. I do not dare to say that it is the most magnificent of all blog spots on the web, yet currently within South Africa the need for an even greater defense of true catholicism has still remained and even intensified.
Yes, the state of the Church in this wonderful country remains questionable. It would seem that the mentality of Catholics, both clergy and laity, in South Africa refuses still to leave the liberal/ heretical nonsense which has been taught, believed and upheld in diocese's throughout the country since the close of the council.
I do not mean to give here and expose of what and why the council went wrong, this is an issue that I am still investigating myself. I do hope however, to use this blog in the time going forward to further the advance of the right mentality and understanding of the church and how it should be. On my behalf, I do hope with the help of others such as myself to advance this goal, with a much more mature and unbiased opinion as was often the case in the past.
For now friends I ask your prayers, I ask that you continue to support this effort, and in return I pray that with Gods help we might begin anew with the task of restoring the Church within South Africa.
In Christ and our Dear Mother
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